Plunge Pools Explained – Everything You Need To Know
May 22, 2023

Plunge pools have become increasingly popular over the last decade. One of the biggest reasons for their popularity is that homes throughout many areas of Canada are being built on smaller blocks of land. With space at a premium around the country, backyards no longer have enough room for a typical inground swimming pool.

For those people who only have a little amount of space available, a small plunge pool is ideal as it can be installed in almost any yard. That means everyone can enjoy having access to a swimming pool in the privacy of their own home.

What is a plunge pool?

plunge pool has a relatively small surface area designed for relaxation and cooling off, rather than swimming laps. Smaller than a regular size swimming pool but larger than a spa, backyard plunge pools are a space-saving option that often have large seating areas that are built-in for entertaining guests.

Many homeowners may actually prefer one because not only will a small pool be easier to maintain; it will also cost less to build. These savings will make it much easier to install the legally required fencing, as well as some other plunge pool ideas such as exterior landscaping and decking for the backyard of your dreams.

What are the benefits of a plunge pool?

Whether you decide on an inground plunge pool or an above-ground plunge pool, they are both much kinder to the environment compared to standard-size swimming pools. Not only do they use less water and fewer chemicals for maintaining cleanliness, but plunge pools also use less energy to heat which makes them about as green as swimming pools can be.

All pools are seen as luxurious features, so installing a small backyard plunge pool will transform your backyard into your own personal oasis.

Fiberglass vs concrete plunge pools?

While both fiberglass and concrete plunge pools will enhance your property, the one you decide on will depend on what your specific needs are. We’ve listed some of the pros and cons below for you.

Fiberglass plunge pool shells are prefabricated and usually come in a selection of shapes and sizes. Fiberglass plunge pool installation is usually far quicker than concrete plunge pool installation

Concrete plunge swimming pools have design flexibility, with the ability to customize the size and shape. Cost-wise, concrete pools cost more than fiberglass, and you can expect the build process will take far longer due to what’s involved.

Who should get a plunge pool?

A plunge pool is fantastic for those looking for relaxation and fun all year round. The small size of plunge pools is also great for kids, making supervision much easier anytime they are in the water.

Plunge pools can have jets installed in them to provide you with targeted massages, or you can opt for a whirlpool effect for a more gentle experience like a full-body massage.

How much space do plunge pools need?

While they are most commonly around 2 to 4 metres wide and no shorter than 2 metres in length, plunge pools can sometimes be up to 6 or even 7 metres long. The depth of these small-sized pools can vary between shallow and deep.

At Narellan Pools, our Eden and Nirvana models are great for places with limited space, and they provide the perfect blend of beauty and functionality. If you’re looking for a compact-sized pool for your yard, speak to Narellan Pools today.

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